Talking Trees

An exercise in drawing a fictional creature of mythology and literature, the talking tree.

The Lord Of Extinction

An exploration of an entity that embodies extinction for a story I am working on. I chose to make it a being that is composed of fossils and rock.

Dragon Creatures

Ever been fascinated by the mythical longs (dragons) of East Asia? I have. I was particularly intrigued by the dragon hybrids in those cultures traditions. Here are a few concept sketches I did as I brainstormed a new comics series. A dragon turtle and the dragon horse.

Beast Gods of the Arakongi

An exercise in imagining behemoth animals. Hybridized real animals and gave them exaggerated size.

Beast Gods of the Arakongi

Continuation of hybridizing existing animals and exaggerating certain proportions and musculature.


Character Turnarounds